Friday, January 15, 2010

Another Wwoofer arrives

Our next WWOOFer has arrived – Tommy, a horticulturalist from Brighton, England. A very agreeable chap who is occupying himself with weeding, building compost heaps and making more baboon-proof wormeries. (WWOOF actually stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms – a way for young people to travel and work in exchange for food and accommodation). For us it’s a form of “free” labour, a way to meet interesting people, learn from others’ experience, have a sense of community and a means to get stuff done on the farm without the “slave/master”-energy connection…

Mila is happily settled in grade 1 and we are aiming to get her and Luke to sleep in their own beds this year. We have been following the “attachment parenting” route since birth (which has also involved them sleeping in our bed) but they are getting so big now, that we’re going to be focussing on a bit of “detachment” in 2010!

The baboons came back after their mass destruction and managed to get the remainder of the edible plants: peas, beans & squash, leaving only the herbs….The children’s joy and delight in eating peas and beans from the garden has given me such encouragement though, that we won’t be deterred by a few primates – Tommy will be planting lots more seeds next week…

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